
Study Buddy

Study Buddy

GitHub Deployed

An app that helps link you up with a studing partner!

Technologies: HTML (90%), CSS (90%), Javascript (90%), LocalStorage (90%), Bulma CSS Framework (90%)

Take 2 App

Take 2

GitHub Deployed

Recast any movie with your dream cast list! Share and vote your recasts with other fellow film buffs.

Technologies (% profeciency): HTML (90%), CSS (90%), Javascript (90%), Jquery (80%), Skeleton CSS Framework (90%), Heroku (90%), Sequelize( 90%), Bootstrap(90%), JawsDB (80%), NPM/Node (80%), ExpressJS (70%), Handlebars (60%), The Movie DB API (90%)



GitHub Deployed

A streamlined, quick and easy video-chat app with a focus on education.

Technologies: HTML (90%), CSS (90%), Javascript (90%), Agora IO (90%), ReactJS (90%), Bulma (90%), Heroku (90%), MongoDB (80%), ExpressJS (70%), NPM/Node (80%), Passport (70%)